Jesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yet
Jesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yet
Made in Rimini, Italy, in 2021 by Luigi Castiglioni
Text & Music: Gavin Bryars’ Jesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yet

Copies 1/120 - 30/120
Price: $5,000

Bound Version

Copies 31/120 - 120/120
Price: $4,000
Printing Technique: Letterpress printed on Fabriano Tiepolo 290 gsm by Tipoteca Italiana, Cornuda.
Printing Press: Original Nebiolo Atena cylinder press, 1956.
Limited Edition: 140 copies, each signed by Gavin Bryars.
Arabic Numerals (1/120 to 120/120): 120 copies, with the first 30 containing a hand-drawn artwork by the composer.
Roman Numerals (I/XX to XX/XX): 20 copies reserved for contributors.
Special Inclusions:
Each copy contains a vinyl long-playing record featuring a fragment of a religious song repeated in a loop fifty times.
Copies 1/120 to 30/120 include Gavin Bryars’ musical autograph of the religious chant transcription and one of the original printing plates used.